Erin Sperger
Erin is dedicated to Yahovah, creator of heaven and earth and to His Word. He is the source of her success.
Erin graduated 4th in her law school class at Barry University in Orlando, FL where she was a Senior Editor of Barry Law Review. She founded Legal Wellspring, PLLC in 2013. In 2020, Erin opened Legal Wellspring, PS. Since 2013Erin has represented over 300 tenants in landlord tenant disputes and has handled appeals in Divisions I, II, and III of the Court of Appeals and in the Washington Supreme.
She was mentioned in the Seattle PI in Massive rent hikes, remodel renders Lake Union building ‘uninhabitable’ and $105K ‘lien slapped on Westlake apartments in rent hike suit and recently represented an amicus party in Gilmore v. Jefferson County in support of Gilmore.
Erin has earned the following recognitions:
Rising Star by Super Lawyer Magazine in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.
Top Rising Young Attorneys in Washington 2020
America’s Most Honored Lawyers- Top 5% 2021
Top Women Attorneys in Washington 2021
America’s Most Honored Lawyers – Top 1% in 2022
To Women Attorneys in Washington 2022
When she is not in the office, Erin enjoys the outdoors, interesting people, and painting.